A commuter’s Story, aka, I have a new life!
The money’s good and I love what I do but I didn’t realize how the commute would consume my life. Up at 4 am, on the road by 5 am and praying for light traffic so that I can get to work by 7:30. A full day today and a meeting a lunch then back in the car to heal home again at 4:30 or if I have overtime probably 6 pm. Geez. Even if traffic is light it will still be 8 or after by the time I get home. Another 16 hours from start to finish. Dinner at 8 or 8:30 or a fast food drive through on the way which puts at home about 9 or so. A quick shower and into bed by 10 or so for another restless night’s sleep.
3 Years of this with work on the Weekends and I’m exhausted. The two-week vacation isn’t enough to recuperate from the endless days of drudgery and work. Life, what life! Dead tired and sleep until noon on Saturday and then chores and errands around the house and exhausted to bed by 10! Another year and both kids will be in junior high and it seems like we just brought them home from the hospital. I can see the sullen looks when they don’t know I’m watching and the resentment from an absent father is stamped all over their face. How can I put an end to this? I can’t take a pay cut and afford to keep the house so quitting isn’t an option and the toll on my marriage is beginning to show! Now what?
The solution:
WORKVINE209! Tracy’s first real Coworking Space.
Two miles from my house. I leave at 7:15 and I’m at work by 7:30. Put in a great day’s work, my projects are taking less time because I’m not exhausted and I can think clearly. The equipment here’s is as good as it gets. No downtime, all the admin resources I will ever need and even availability of support from other workers when I need it instead of waiting in line for someone to help me. Off at 4 pm, head to the school for my son’s ball game, and then dinner with my family afterward or maybe catch a pizza at the Mall on the way home. Wow! I can even catch a favorite TV show or take care of a few honey do’s so that we can head for the park this weekend. Wow! Since I started working remotely a couple of weeks ago, I feel like a got a new life and a new human. Thanks to a great employer willing to work with me and to WorkVine209. Give them a call and you can have a new life just like I do.
The Freeways and roadways have 10’s of thousands of stories just like this every day and it doesn’t have to be this way! Give WorkVine209 a call and we will help you get a life just like our hero did.
WorkVine209, 209 650-6925, or info@workvine209.com, 1005 E. Pescadero, Ste.167, Tracy, CA.